Blue Crab Scenic Byway
210 miles -
The wetlands, rivers, Atlantic Coastal Plains, and the Chesapeake Bay comprise an area known as “Tidewater Maryland,” this region of farmland, marshland, creeks, and coves has created the distinct cultural landscape evident along the Blue Crab Scenic byway.
Because of the region’s location between the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay, it has played an important role in the nation’s cultural development. Native peoples brought oyster tonging, the creation of eel pots, and the inception of the famous Chesapeake Bay log canoes. Earliest European settlers made their homes along the abundant rivers, creeks and the Chesapeake Bay. These waterways provided the transportation and food that, over time, developed into rich cultures.
Numerous elements make up the region’s cultures, including the dual tradition of farming and harvesting seafood, particularly crab. Additional elements include distinctive cuisine, unique dialect, historical structures, and generations’ worth of folklore that are evident all along the byway.