America's Scenic Byways

Lewis and Clark Back Country Byway

39 miles - 3-4 hours to travel and explore this byway

Almost 200 years ago Meriwether Lewis and William Clark stood high on a ridge-line that divides the continental waters and began the discovery of the Pacific Northwest. Welcome to the homeland of Sacajawea.

Stands of fir and pine trees, high-mountain meadows and rolling, jade-colored hills look much the same today as when the famous explorers journeyed to the crest of Lemhi Pass in 1805.

As you travel the Lewis and Clark Back Country Byway, you'll experience spectacular vistas overlooking the homeland of the Native American Shoshone. Gaze westward from Lemhi Pass upon the immense Salmon River and Rocky and Lost River mountain ranges. The pine and fir forests, deep canyons, and rolling foothills look much the same today as when the Lewis and Clark Expedition crossed Lemhi Pass two centuries ago.